2023 Harvest Summary
2022 Harvest Summary
In 2022 the faba bean trial was not harvested. The trial block was inundated by floodwater on October 31. While the floodwater had receded by November 21, the site remained waterlogged for another 10 days. The fungicide program up until the flooding had kept disease to a minimum. The rainfall in October had already caused a lot of lodging, with only one breeders line remaining upright before the inundation resulted in death and collapse of the canopy.
As plants died within the trial we made the decision not to harvest. As a result we have included the long-term averages from the trial site at Kerang.
2021 Harvest Summary
2020 Variety Trial Summary
In 2020 Seventeen lines and varieties were sown following pre-irrigation (1.75 ml/ha), on May 8th, with variable sowing rates aiming at 25 plants/m2.
The trial received three fungicide applications; August 8th, September 6th and October 5th.
The trial was irrigated twice in spring, beginning September 6th (0.9 Ml/ha) and on October 7th (0.9 Ml/ha).
Harvested on December 15th, the trial averaged 5.7 t/ha.
Important Note: This is only one trial in one location/environment. it is advised that you consult other trial results over multiple sites and seasons before making annual variety decisions.
To find out more about each variety you can access brochures on the National Variety testing website.
2019 Results
Twelve faba bean varieties and lines were sown on April 30th and harvested on December 5th. Average yield was 5.1 t/ha. Lodging was an issue in 2019. Yields didn’t appear to reflect the size of the canopy.
Harvested on November 25th, the trial averaged 5.1 t/ha. Lodging did make the trial more difficult to harvest. Average lodging score for the trial was 5.3, with 0 being no lodging and 9 representing a crop flat on the ground.