2020 Virtual Spring Field Day

Welcome to our 2020 Virtual Field Day!
Showcasing our irrigated crop research in short video clips and fact sheets.

We re-imagined our field day this year to enable us to showcase our research site and provide information about the local trials taking place in 2020 in a virtual interactive format.  This page has short videos and a fact sheet on each trial to give growers and industry key information about the research. 

We held a zoom meeting with

Nick Poole, FAR Australia Project Leader
Damian Jones, ICC Trials Manager
Alex Schultz, NSW DPI, Research Development Officer

Have listen to our three speakers below.  

Seasonal Summary

Kerang Trial Site

2020 started with high water prices that made pre-irrigation difficult to economically justify. The only positive was climate prediction models were telling an optimistic winter rainfall story. April started with pre-irrigation of most of the trial locations. Most trials are conducted under best agronomic practice rather than an economic approach. Sowing started on April 17th with the long season wheat and barley trials. April delivered on the promise of good winter rainfall with a decile 9, or 88mm for the month.

Our Trials

To gain an insight into what’s going on at our Kerang trial site, click on the video and factsheet links in each of the trials below. The video will provide a visual of the trial and key facts about the treatments and the factsheet will provide more details.

The aim of this trial was to compare later maturity varieties and see how they perform when sown in their optimal sowing window. Trial includes 20 varieties. Read factsheet
The Canola variety trials provide results about how various varieties perform in local conditions and under irrigation. This trial has 21 lines and varieties under investigation. Read factsheet
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The variety trials provide results about how various wheat varieties perform in local conditions and under irrigation. This trial includes 12 varieties. Read factsheet
Irrigated Canola
This demonstration aims to maximise profitability in low allocation / high-water price years by reducing the number of irrigations. Read factsheet

Early Sown Wheat Variety Trial

Play Video

Canola Variety Trial

Play Video

Main Wheat Variety Trial

Play Video

Smarter Irrigation for Profit  

in collaboration with FAR Australia

Optimising Irrigated Grains

This GRDC funded Project “Development and validation of soil amelioration and agronomic practices to realise the genetic potential of grain crops grown under a high yield potential, irrigated environment in the northern and southern regions” includes 66 replicated field trials per year for 3 years.
These trials evaluate the plant population of hybrid TT (Triazine tolerant) and Roundup Ready hybrid grown at different plant populations under flood and overhead irrigation. Read factsheet
These trials evaluate the influence of different rhizobium treatments on chickpea nodulation, dry matter, grain yield and profitability under irrigation and evaluates the economics of disease management strategies of different costs in irrigated chickpea production. Read factsheet
These trials will evaluate the plant population of durum wheat grown at different plant populations under flood and overhead irrigation. Read factsheet
These trials evaluate the plant population of fabas grown at different plant populations under flood and overhead irrigation and compares two fungicide strategies using older ‘cheap’ and newer ‘expensive’ fungicides on varieties. Read factsheet

Canola Agronomy Trial

Play Video

Chickpea Agronomy Trial

Play Video

Durum Wheat Agronomy Trial

Play Video

Faba Bean Agronomy Trial

Play Video
Virtual Trade Site

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