Research & Extension
Optimising Irrigated Grains Logo White With Transparent Background
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The Optimising Irrigated Grains project was a three year invesment by GRDC to:

  • Development and validation of soil amelioration and agronomic practices to realise the genetic potential of grain crops grown under a high yield potential irrigated environment in the southern and northern regions
  • Optimising farm scale returns from irrigated grains: maximising dollar return per megalitre of water.

The overall objective of the project was that 40% of irrigated grain growers in the Southern Murray Darling Basin have the knowledge, confidence and tools required to optimise farm scale returns through increased yield and allocation of water resources.


To achieve this objective, irrigation discussion groups were set up across Victoria, NSW, SA and TAS.

Click on the links below to find out more about the research, economics project and the discussion groups…


Good Management Guide

The guidelines and results set out in this booklet are the result of research taking place across three seasons (2020 – 2022) with mostly la Nina weather patterns. As a result, the cropping years of the project were subject to cooler more mild spring temperatures, ideally geared for the project team to explore the upper range of yield potential for the crops tested. Read the full guidelines
Develop and validate soil amelioration and agronomic practices to realise the genetic potential of grain crops grown under a high yield potential, irrigated environment in the northern and southern regions.
Eight discussion groups established to help growers learn from each other, build new networks and access latest research.
Tyler Franta Iusj25iyu1c Unsplash
Optimising farm scale returns from irrigated grains: maximising dollar return per megalitre of water
Project Partners Long

The optimising irrigated grains projects are part of the GRDC investment in ICF1906-002RTX: Facilitated action learning groups to support profitable irrigated farming systems in the northern and southern regions, FAR1906-003RTX: Development and validation of soil amelioration and agronomic practices to realise the genetic potential of grain crops grown under a high yield potential, irrigated environment in the northern and southern regions and UOT1906-002RTX: Optimising farm scale returns from irrigated grains: maximising dollar return per megalitre of water.