Irrigation Farm Business Plan Plan2farm Workbook


The irrigation business planning program was a unique opportunity for farmers in the Loddon, Campaspe, Torrumbarry region to work on their business to ensure they can adapt and rise to future challenges.

Working with the North Central CMA and Murray Dairy we generated some useful resources. 

The program received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and aims to help irrigation farmers plan for the future, be more efficient with their irrigation and be in the best position to take advantage of water markets in the future.




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Irrigation Farm Business Plan

The Irrigation Farmers Network (formerly Irrigated Cropping Council) worked with The North Central Catchment Management Authority and Murray Dairy to the deliver Plan2Farm irrigation business planning project.  This program helped farmers consider their exposure to water markets and the efficiency of their irrigation system, and the influence this may have on their future farming business.

The Farm Business Plan is a key tool of the Plan2Farm program. The plan provides the opportunity for farmers to assess where their business is situated now and where you want it to be in the future. The plan will help those involved in the business make more informed decisions about your farming business to improve your business resilience. 

The Plan


Completing the Irrigation Farm Business Plan workbook will:

Help you think and talk about the future of your farming business others involved in the business.

Help you think and talk about the future of your farming business with others.

Help you to make decisions that are more informed and aligned to your longer-term goals.
Helping farm businesses be more resilient

Case Studies

D Perryman

Doug Perryman

Adapting to water price and markets governs what you grow

D Perryman

Darren and Tania Sutherland

Taking advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Plan2farm Case Study Pat Quinn

Pat Quinn

Navigating changing water markets and variable climate. Read the case study.


Business Planning

with Don Stewart

Don Stewart

The Plan2Farm Irrigation business planning program is designed to help farmers develop a business plan and build resilient farm businesses in a changing climate with volatile water allocations and markets. Don Stewart is a dairy farmer in the Loddon Campaspe region, he is sharing his story on how he has adapted his business to ensure resilience in tough times. Listen to the podcast

Farm stories

Resilient Farm Businesses

This notes booklet compiles a range of farm business stories showcasing how farmers are adapting and setting their business up for the future.

Case Studies Booklet

Book Cover
More Case Studies

Adaptable Farm Business Case Studies

View case studies from other projects that showcase how famers and adapting and developing resilient farm businesses.

more details

Mel Mann at [email protected] or phone 0447 803 305

This program/project received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

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Plan2Farm is backed by a Steering Committee with representatives from the North Central and Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authorities, Agriculture Victoria, Murray Dairy, Irrigation Farmers Network (formerly Irrigated Cropping Council), Goulburn Murray Water and local farmers.