Two local trial sites have been established under IFN management
- Griffith – Two trials looked at Potassium Use Efficiency (PUE)
- Kerang – Five trials looked at Nitrogen Use Efficiency, K (Potassium).
Crop establishment – plant population and row spacing
Stay Green Effects
Maize Good Management Guide
2021 Results
10 irrigated grain maize trials were established at two locations in northern Victoria. The primary focus of this second year of field research was to look at the influence of higher levels of nitrogen (N) input on harvest dry matter, grain yield, harvest index, nitrogen offtake and profitability. In addition, the research programme also examined the influence of plant population, row spacing and disease management. At the main research sites in Peechelba East and Kerang, irrigation was provided by overhead pivot and surface irrigation (Flood - border check) respectively. Total irrigation quantities applied were as follows, Peechelba East (Pivot 5.1 Mega L/ha applied) and Kerang (Surface irrigation border check 11.6 MegaL/ha). All research was conducted using the Pioneer Hybrid P1756, the same hybrid used in year one of the programme. To ensure soil type consistency between seasons the principal trials were conducted at the same field research sites (different parts of the paddock) as 2019/20. At Peechelba East on a commercial farm (red loam over clay) the research was conducted under the same pivot as 2019/20 (not on the same area under the pivot) with all trials established into grain maize residues from the previous season, compared to grain maize following oaten hay stubble in the first year of research. At Kerang (self-mulching grey clay) in both years maize research has been conducted following grass dominant pasture. Download the results for all the details...
2020 Results
Ten irrigated grain maize trials were established at two locations in northern Victoria. The primary focus of this second year of field research was to look at the influence of higher levels of nitrogen (N) input on harvest dry matter, grain yield, harvest index, nitrogen offtake and profitability. In addition, the research programme also examined the influence of plant population, row spacing and disease management. At the main research sites in Peechelba East and Kerang, irrigation was provided by overhead pivot and surface irrigation (Flood - border check) respectively. Download the results for all the details...
2019 Results
Twelve irrigated grain maize trials were established at five locations in northern Victoria and southern NSW in 2019 The primary focus of the research was to examine nutrition, looking specifically at the influence of higher levels of nitrogen (N) input on harvest dry matter, grain yield, harvest index and nitrogen offtake. Read the results...