Members Project

Independent Variety Trials

About the Project

The variety trials are comparative crop variety testing with standardised trial management, data generation and collection to provide meaningful results for growers.
Irrigation provides a unique environment that allows high yields to be targeted. However most varieties are developed and tested under dryland conditions.

In order to perform under irrigated conditions, a variety should the following characteristics:

  • High yield potential
  • Maturity that matches sowing date and the optimal grain filling period (avoiding frost at flowering but also avoiding high temperatures during grain filling)
  • High tolerance to crop lodging
  • Waterlogging tolerance
  • Good disease tolerance/rating, although a disease management plan can address some shortfalls

The decision was made to separate the early maturing (or early season) varieties from the main trial, and to sow them at a more appropriate time that suited their maturity.

Variety trials in 2024 include:

28 Canola Varieties

32 Wheat Varieties

(9 short, 27 main and 12 long season)

12 Barley Varieties

8 Faba Beans Varieties

With thanks to Pacific Seeds, Pioneer Seeds, AGT, BASF,  AGT, University of Adelaide, NuSeed, Intergrain, Longreach, SeedNet and RAGT

Simon Banks

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Dr Simon Banks

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Rohan Brill

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...
Andrew Shields Small

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Andrew Shields

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Deep Singh

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...
Mark Sloan

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Mark Sloan

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...

Irrigation Insights 2023 Conference Speaker Damian Jones

Snapshot of what's happening across our region...